full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Liu Thai Ker: The architectural mastermind behind modern Singapore

Unscramble the Blue Letters

And the third thing, which very few plopee talk about, is density. So as I mentioned earlier, the large city, we must have a higher density, and make the design more grnad. Small city, we have low density, make the design more romantic. So if we pick the right density for the cietis of different sizes, when you arrive at a city, without even looking at the buildings, you already know you're going into a different kind of city. I told myself that despite the high-density building, the high-density city that we plan, we should not use high density as an excuse for not creating a good environment. So I told myself, "How can I live with a high-density policy, and yet cerate a nice urban environment?" It danewd on me that you can have a high-density city with a nice environment by using the Western chessboard idea. Because in the Western chessboard, you have the black square and the withe square anlattnerig. So if we put the [high-density] buildings in the black suaqres, then [in] the white square we’d put the prkas or schools or low-rise sppinhog centers, and so on. So in that case, if you can dpersise the high-density buildings with a lower-density development, you don't feel the oppressiveness of high density.

Open Cloze

And the third thing, which very few ______ talk about, is density. So as I mentioned earlier, the large city, we must have a higher density, and make the design more _____. Small city, we have low density, make the design more romantic. So if we pick the right density for the ______ of different sizes, when you arrive at a city, without even looking at the buildings, you already know you're going into a different kind of city. I told myself that despite the high-density building, the high-density city that we plan, we should not use high density as an excuse for not creating a good environment. So I told myself, "How can I live with a high-density policy, and yet ______ a nice urban environment?" It ______ on me that you can have a high-density city with a nice environment by using the Western chessboard idea. Because in the Western chessboard, you have the black square and the _____ square ___________. So if we put the [high-density] buildings in the black _______, then [in] the white square we’d put the _____ or schools or low-rise ________ centers, and so on. So in that case, if you can ________ the high-density buildings with a lower-density development, you don't feel the oppressiveness of high density.


  1. create
  2. cities
  3. white
  4. squares
  5. dawned
  6. parks
  7. grand
  8. people
  9. shopping
  10. disperse
  11. alternating

Original Text

And the third thing, which very few people talk about, is density. So as I mentioned earlier, the large city, we must have a higher density, and make the design more grand. Small city, we have low density, make the design more romantic. So if we pick the right density for the cities of different sizes, when you arrive at a city, without even looking at the buildings, you already know you're going into a different kind of city. I told myself that despite the high-density building, the high-density city that we plan, we should not use high density as an excuse for not creating a good environment. So I told myself, "How can I live with a high-density policy, and yet create a nice urban environment?" It dawned on me that you can have a high-density city with a nice environment by using the Western chessboard idea. Because in the Western chessboard, you have the black square and the white square alternating. So if we put the [high-density] buildings in the black squares, then [in] the white square we’d put the parks or schools or low-rise shopping centers, and so on. So in that case, if you can disperse the high-density buildings with a lower-density development, you don't feel the oppressiveness of high density.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
high density 3
strong colors 2
shophouse design 2
white square 2
population size 2
spend time 2
time studying 2
basic human 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
spend time studying 2

Important Words

  1. alternating
  2. arrive
  3. black
  4. building
  5. buildings
  6. case
  7. centers
  8. chessboard
  9. cities
  10. city
  11. create
  12. creating
  13. dawned
  14. density
  15. design
  16. development
  17. disperse
  18. earlier
  19. environment
  20. excuse
  21. feel
  22. good
  23. grand
  24. high
  25. higher
  26. idea
  27. kind
  28. large
  29. live
  30. mentioned
  31. nice
  32. oppressiveness
  33. parks
  34. people
  35. pick
  36. plan
  37. policy
  38. put
  39. romantic
  40. schools
  41. shopping
  42. sizes
  43. small
  44. square
  45. squares
  46. talk
  47. told
  48. urban
  49. western
  50. white